

东方演出网 https://www.df962388.com 2024-06-25 18:18 出处:网络 热度:12
聊城吕思清小提琴独奏音乐会将于2024.11.30 19:30 周六在水城明珠大剧院上演,门票价格:100-800。


1、时间:2024.11.30 19:30 周六















吕思清与包括飞利浦Philips、拿索斯Naxos、马可波罗Marco Polo、瑞典BIS、及澳大利亚广播公司ABC在内的世界知名唱片公司合作出版过多张个人专辑。他使用六把斯特拉迪瓦里、瓜奈里、阿玛蒂意大利名琴演奏并与多伦多室内乐团合作录制的“维瓦尔第《四季》名琴版”,被权威乐评家赞誉为“演绎与录音均属A+天碟级,是可遇不可求的无敌制作”。他还曾录制过五版《梁祝》小提琴协奏曲,其发行量数以百万,并被喻为当今最佳版本。吕氏的专辑“梦幻曲-吕思清浪漫小提琴曲集”1997年在香港发行后,即被台湾《音乐时代》《中国时报》评为每月最佳唱片、“音响论坛”年度最佳100张唱片。吕思清的演奏经常在包括美国纽约WQXR音乐台、芝加哥WFMT音乐台、波士顿WBGH电台、加拿大CBC电台、德国WDR音乐台、瑞士伯尔尼电台、日本NTV电视台、中国中央电视台、香港凤凰卫视、亚洲电视、第四电台等全球众多电视台和电台中播出。



吕思清现使用由墨尔本交响乐团主席、艺术赞助人李大伟先生(Mr David Li AM)慷慨提供的意大利制琴大师G .B 瓜达尼尼于1777年都灵制作的小提琴。

Lu Siqing Biography

Siqing Lu is one of THE foremost and influential Chinese violinists today. As the first Asian violinist to win the esteemed International PAGAnini Violin Competition, Mr. Lu performs regularly worldwide with major orchestras and leading conductors, and regularly gives recitals and appears with the China Trio which he founded in 2011 on the world’s great concert stages and at the most prestigious fesTivals.

Highlights of recent years including being honored as Artistic Ambassador of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, as well as being appointed the first Chinese soloist-in-residence of MSO for the 2019-2020 season. Performances as guest soloist with the NCPA Orchestra at the Abu Dhabi Music Festival, the Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra at the Bangkok International Dance and Music Festival, the China National Symphony Orchestra at the Sydney Opera House, as well as the Qingdao Symphony Orchestra on their first ever South American tour. In addition, Mr. Lu’s acclaimed recital series, The Legend of Magic Bow: Siqing Lu Violin Recital, has Taken him to over a hundred cities throughout China and around the world.

Mr. Lu is the Artistic Director of the National Centre for the Performing Arts (NCPA) May Festival in Beijing, and the founder/Artistic Director of the Siqing Lu Shenzhen Futian International String Festival. Mr. Lu also serves regularly on the jury of international competitions such as the Yehudi Menuhin International Violin Competition and the Shanghai Isaac Stern International Violin Competition.

Mr. Lu has more than a dozen concerto and solo CDs to his name, for labels such as Philips, Naxos, Marco Polo, BIS and NCPA Classics. His five recordings of “The Butterfly Lovers” Violin Concerto, has sold millions of copies worldwide. His 2018 recording of “Beauty of the Violin”, consists of the Mendelssohn, Bruch and Tan Dun's Violin Concertos with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra was released globally by Australia’s ABC Classics to critical acclaim, and soon became the Number One CD album on the Australia’s top 20 classical music album chart.

Appearances regularly with orchestra such as the Philharmonia Orchestra, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Salzburg Chamber Orchestra, San Francisco Symphony, Hollywood Bowl Orchestra, Vancouver Symphony, Yomiuri Nippon Symphony, Hong Kong Philharmonic, the NCPA Orchestra and China Philharmonic Orchestra. Mr. Lu has received numerous honors for his outstanding artistic achievements and social contributions, including New Jersey’s Outstanding Achievement in Arts Award for Asian, California Senate Honorary Certificate, the Montblanc Outstanding Artist Award. The City of Millbrae, California passed a legislation to have September 16th of 2006 proclaimed “Siqing Lu Day” in honor of him.

Mr. Lu was born in 1969 in Qingdao, China. He began studying the violin at the age of four. Mr. Lu became the youngest student ever to be admitted by the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing at the age of eight as a special student and studied with Professor Zhenshan Wang. At the age of eleven, Lord Yehudi Menuhin hand-picked him to study at his school (The Yehudi Menuhin School) in London. In 1984, he returned to China for advanced studies at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing. Five years later, he became a scholarship student at the Juilliard School and studied with Ms. Dorothy DeLay and Mr. Hyo Kang. In 2021, Mr. Lu became the President of the Yehudi Menuhin School Qingdao, a sister school to the Yehudi Menuhin School in the UK.

Mr. Lu performs on the Italian luthier G.B. Guadagnini, Turin, 1777 violin, generously provided by arts patron Mr. David Li AM, Chairman of Melbourne Symphony Orchestra.


